Friday, June 28, 2013

Exadata Storage Indexes

Storage Indexes is one of the most significant features of Exadata that run at the storage cells. However, is also the feature which is the least (if at all) controllable by the user (developer/dba). You cannot control when they will be build, for which columns they will be build for, and  for which columns the storage indexes will remain as the database workload evolves. So it is a true "black box" and totally different to what we have been used from good old database indexes.

The following links from Richard Foote's Oracle Blog are very insightfull on how storage indexes really work:
First goes the introductory series of posts:

And then is the comparison series between SIs and database indexes (check out the last one on the "magic" 8-column limit):

Oracle Learner.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Oracle Trace Files

In this post I will give an overview of Oracle trace files. The following are a collection of information from several books (especially [1]). Check out the References section at the end of this post.

Oracle trace files are text files that contain session information for the process that created
them. Trace files can be generated by the Oracle background processes, through the use of
trace events, or by user server processes. These trace files can contain useful information
for performance tuning and system troubleshooting.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Big Data Intro

Here is a great post from Arup Nanda with introductory material on Big Data and all the relevant buzzwords headed at Oracle professionals!

Oracle Learner