Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Detecting a change in the execution plan of a query

My report used to complete in seconds and now is running for hours! Do you know what is going on?

Sounds familiar? It is very common in Data Warehouses to experience a sudden performance degradation in the execution time of a report, or of an individual ETL mapping. The query was running fast for months and then one day everything changed!

Such a behavior is a sign of a change in the execution plan. Of course there are a million other reasons that might have caused the performance degradation but a change in the execution plan is one of the most common. The reasons for such a change are numerous (stale statistics, change triggered by some DDL -e.g. a new index created, a change in the optimizer environment -e.g., by changing the value of some relevant  parameter at the session level etc.)

In this post, we want to show how easy it is to detect a change in the execution plan of a statement (technically represented by a unique sql id) with the help of historic data maintained by Oracle in the AWR. To this end we will present some examples and some simple scripts to do it. However, we will not deal at all with the reasons that might trigger the change of plan. This is a long discussion ...

Some Background First

Every query that has been executed in your database resides:
   A. in the shared pool (cursor cache) for a short period of time until it is aged out,
   B. or in the AWR repository for up to 7 days (default retention period for AWR),
   C. or in both places

Please note that AWR does not store all queries, only the top SQL statements based on a set of criteria and exposes them via the DBA_HIST_SQLSTAT view. So there is a chance that there is no historical info for your query in the database. In this case, you cannot detect the change of plan. In this previous post we have shown how you can retrieve all the available execution plans of a specific sql_id residing either in the cursor cache or in the AWR. These plans where returned in ascending order of plan cost.

Sidenote (AWR  - Automatic Workload Repository)

The Automatic Workload Repository, uses the MMON background process to gather statistics from the SGA and store them in a collection of tables owned by the user SYSMAN in the SYSAUX tablespace. By default, database statistics are retained in the AWR for seven days. You can change the default duration using the EM Database Control Automatic Workload Repository link on the Performance tab or using the DBMS_WORKLOAD_REPOSITORY PL/SQL package.

To activate the AWR feature, you must set the pfile/spfile’s parameter STATISTICS_LEVEL to the appropriate value. The values assigned to this parameter determine the depth of the statistics that the MMON process gathers. In order to enable this feature this paremeter must be set to either TYPICAL or ALL.

Collection Level Description
BASIC: Disables the AWR and most other diagnostic monitoring and advisory activities. Few database statistics are gathered at each collection interval when operating the instance in this mode.
TYPICAL: Activates the standard level of collection activity. This is the default value for AWR and is appropriate for most environments.
ALL: Captures all the statistics gathered by the TYPICAL collection level, plus the execution plans and timing information from the operating system.

So make sure that you haven't set STATISTICS_LEVEL to BASIC.
Now, assuming that our problematic query has some history stored in AWR, lets proceed with the detection of a change in the execution plan.

3 Simple Steps

Actually the whole process is quite simple and consists of 3 simple steps:

Step 1: Find the sql_id of the problematic statement
There are many ways to get the sql_id of a query that is running, or has run recently. For example, if you know the username of the session  you can query V$SESSION to find the relevant session and and the sql_id that this session executes.

Another approach is to query V$SQL which is the view with which Oracle exposes all the child cursors in the shared pool. If you dont know what is a child cursor, dont feel uncomfortable, just go on and read this previous post. Here is a simple example where we query V$SQL searching for a specific part of the SQL text in order to retrieve the sql id of the query we are interested. The sql id equals with "5atbdngau3u7d".

nkarag@DWHPRD> select /* this is my query */ count(*) from t;


Elapsed: 00:00:00.01
nkarag@DWHPRD> @fs

Session altered.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.01
Enter value for sql_text: %this is my query%
Enter value for sql_id:

PARSING_SCHEMA_NAME               INST_ID SQL_ID                CHILD  PLAN_HASH      EXECS AVG_ETIME_SECS      AVG_LIO LAST_ACTIVE_TIME    SQL_PROFILE                                                      IS_SHAREABLE IS_BIND_SENSITIVE IS_BIND_AWARE  SQL_TEXT                                                       OFFLOAD IO_SAVED_%
------------------------------ ---------- -------------------- ------ ---------- ---------- -------------- ------------ ------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ ----------------- -------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- -----
NKARAG                                  1 5atbdngau3u7d             0 2966233522          1            .00            4 10-02-2015 12:13:52                                                                  Y            N                 N              select /* this is my query */ count(*) from t                  No               0

Elapsed: 00:00:00.33
Listing 1: A simple example of finding the sql id of a cursor when searching by SQL text.
The script can be found at the end of this post

Step 2: Get the plan with which the performance problem is related. 

Let's call it the "bad plan". Note that each plan in Oracle is uniquely represented by a plan hash value (phv). Once you have the sql_id is fairly simple to get the execution plan. V$SQL once more has all the info we need. As you can see in Listing 1 the plan hash value in our example is 2966233522.

Step 3: Query DBA_HIST_SQLSTAT (i.e., the AWR) to get the plan in previous executions
OK. We know the sql id and the plan hash value of the problematic plan. How do we get the "good" plan?
As we have noted above, we have a great chance that Oracle has stored the execution history of our sql id in AWR and expose it via the DBA_HIST_SQLSTAT view. So the only thing we have to do is to query this view. Note that AWR stores hourly snapshots and therefore in order to get the rough time that the execution took place you must join to DBA_HIST_SNAPSHOT.

It is important to understand that when you review the history of executions of a specific sql id and you see the list of various execution plans that were used, you must be sure which one of these is the "good" one. The simplest way to verify this is from your ETL execution history (e.g. from your ETL tool metadata), or directly from the user experience saying when did this report run fast etc. Once you know which  plan is the good one, and you see that currently you are using a different plan, plus you are experiencing a performance issue, then you know that the change of plan is the one to blame.

Lets see an example of a change of plan detected from the execution history in AWR. In Listing 2 we have a specific sql id for which we search the execution history in the last 40 days. We are particularly interested in the executions that took place in the 1st of the month (because it is a monthly flow that has the problem). We have highlighted with a green background the executions of interest. The good execution on the 1st of January took place with execution plan 3441090710, while the execution on the 1st February (the problematic one) took place with plan 3335085460.

This is the verification we need for the assumption that a change of plan has caused the performance problem. At the end of this post we provide the script used in Listing 2.

--------------- ---------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ --------------- --------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- -------------- ------------------- ------- ------------------- ---------------- ------- ---------- --------------------------------------------------------------
              2      22950 10-FEB-15 AM      10-FEB-15 AM      KPI_DW                 4sk1dmw4q3zkb        1097924584 INSERT                                                                                                        1           6029               89.99       1        2,243,246.00                1 No               0 INSERT /*+ BYPASS_RECURSIVE_CHECK APPEND  */ INTO "KPI_DW"."P02_ADSL_E
              2      22752 02-FEB-15 AM      02-FEB-15 AM      KPI_DW                                      3335085460 INSERT                                                                                                        0             27           43,646.66       1      407,025,475.00                1 No               0 INSERT /*+ BYPASS_RECURSIVE_CHECK APPEND  */ INTO "KPI_DW"."P02_ADSL_E
              2      22751 01-FEB-15 PM      02-FEB-15 AM      KPI_DW                                      3335085460 INSERT                                                                                                        0             27           40,040.21       1      350,267,429.00                1 No               0 INSERT /*+ BYPASS_RECURSIVE_CHECK APPEND  */ INTO "KPI_DW"."P02_ADSL_E
              2      22751 01-FEB-15 PM      02-FEB-15 AM      KPI_DW                                      3335085460 INSERT                                                                                                        0             27           40,040.21       1      350,267,429.00                1 No               0 INSERT /*+ BYPASS_RECURSIVE_CHECK APPEND  */ INTO "KPI_DW"."P02_ADSL_E
              2      22751 01-FEB-15 PM      02-FEB-15 AM      KPI_DW                                      3335085460 INSERT                                                                                                        0             27           40,040.21       1      350,267,429.00                1 No               0 INSERT /*+ BYPASS_RECURSIVE_CHECK APPEND  */ INTO "KPI_DW"."P02_ADSL_E
              2      22751 01-FEB-15 PM      02-FEB-15 AM      KPI_DW                                      3335085460 INSERT                                                                                                        0             27           40,040.21       1      350,267,429.00                1 No               0 INSERT /*+ BYPASS_RECURSIVE_CHECK APPEND  */ INTO "KPI_DW"."P02_ADSL_E
              2      22750 01-FEB-15 PM      01-FEB-15 PM      KPI_DW                                      3335085460 INSERT                                                                                                        0             27           36,446.70       1      293,438,068.00                1 No               0 INSERT /*+ BYPASS_RECURSIVE_CHECK APPEND  */ INTO "KPI_DW"."P02_ADSL_E
              2      22750 01-FEB-15 PM      01-FEB-15 PM      KPI_DW                                      3335085460 INSERT                                                                                                        0             27           36,446.70       1      293,438,068.00                1 No               0 INSERT /*+ BYPASS_RECURSIVE_CHECK APPEND  */ INTO "KPI_DW"."P02_ADSL_E
              2      22750 01-FEB-15 PM      01-FEB-15 PM      KPI_DW                                      3335085460 INSERT                                                                                                        0             27           36,446.70       1      293,438,068.00                1 No               0 INSERT /*+ BYPASS_RECURSIVE_CHECK APPEND  */ INTO "KPI_DW"."P02_ADSL_E
              2      22750 01-FEB-15 PM      01-FEB-15 PM      KPI_DW                                      3335085460 INSERT                                                                                                        0             27           36,446.70       1      293,438,068.00                1 No               0 INSERT /*+ BYPASS_RECURSIVE_CHECK APPEND  */ INTO "KPI_DW"."P02_ADSL_E
              2      22749 01-FEB-15 PM      01-FEB-15 PM      KPI_DW                                      3335085460 INSERT                                                                                                        0             27           32,840.22       1      235,820,229.00                1 No               0 INSERT /*+ BYPASS_RECURSIVE_CHECK APPEND  */ INTO "KPI_DW"."P02_ADSL_E
              2      22749 01-FEB-15 PM      01-FEB-15 PM      KPI_DW                                      3335085460 INSERT                                                                                                        0             27           32,840.22       1      235,820,229.00                1 No               0 INSERT /*+ BYPASS_RECURSIVE_CHECK APPEND  */ INTO "KPI_DW"."P02_ADSL_E
              2      22749 01-FEB-15 PM      01-FEB-15 PM      KPI_DW                                      3335085460 INSERT                                                                                                        0             27           32,840.22       1      235,820,229.00                1 No               0 INSERT /*+ BYPASS_RECURSIVE_CHECK APPEND  */ INTO "KPI_DW"."P02_ADSL_E
              2      22749 01-FEB-15 PM      01-FEB-15 PM      KPI_DW                                      3335085460 INSERT                                                                                                        0             27           32,840.22       1      235,820,229.00                1 No               0 INSERT /*+ BYPASS_RECURSIVE_CHECK APPEND  */ INTO "KPI_DW"."P02_ADSL_E
              2      22748 01-FEB-15 PM      01-FEB-15 PM      KPI_DW                                      3335085460 INSERT                                                                                                        0             27           29,247.55       1      179,211,311.00                1 No               0 INSERT /*+ BYPASS_RECURSIVE_CHECK APPEND  */ INTO "KPI_DW"."P02_ADSL_E
              2      22748 01-FEB-15 PM      01-FEB-15 PM      KPI_DW                                      3335085460 INSERT                                                                                                        0             27           29,247.55       1      179,211,311.00                1 No               0 INSERT /*+ BYPASS_RECURSIVE_CHECK APPEND  */ INTO "KPI_DW"."P02_ADSL_E
              2      22748 01-FEB-15 PM      01-FEB-15 PM      KPI_DW                                      3335085460 INSERT                                                                                                        0             27           29,247.55       1      179,211,311.00                1 No               0 INSERT /*+ BYPASS_RECURSIVE_CHECK APPEND  */ INTO "KPI_DW"."P02_ADSL_E
              2      22748 01-FEB-15 PM      01-FEB-15 PM      KPI_DW                                      3335085460 INSERT                                                                                                        0             27           29,247.55       1      179,211,311.00                1 No               0 INSERT /*+ BYPASS_RECURSIVE_CHECK APPEND  */ INTO "KPI_DW"."P02_ADSL_E
              2      22747 01-FEB-15 PM      01-FEB-15 PM      KPI_DW                                      3335085460 INSERT                                                                                                        0             27           25,633.89       1      122,143,890.00                1 No               0 INSERT /*+ BYPASS_RECURSIVE_CHECK APPEND  */ INTO "KPI_DW"."P02_ADSL_E
              2      22747 01-FEB-15 PM      01-FEB-15 PM      KPI_DW                                      3335085460 INSERT                                                                                                        0             27           25,633.89       1      122,143,890.00                1 No               0 INSERT /*+ BYPASS_RECURSIVE_CHECK APPEND  */ INTO "KPI_DW"."P02_ADSL_E
              2      22747 01-FEB-15 PM      01-FEB-15 PM      KPI_DW                                      3335085460 INSERT                                                                                                        0             27           25,633.89       1      122,143,890.00                1 No               0 INSERT /*+ BYPASS_RECURSIVE_CHECK APPEND  */ INTO "KPI_DW"."P02_ADSL_E
              2      22747 01-FEB-15 PM      01-FEB-15 PM      KPI_DW                                      3335085460 INSERT                                                                                                        0             27           25,633.89       1      122,143,890.00                1 No               0 INSERT /*+ BYPASS_RECURSIVE_CHECK APPEND  */ INTO "KPI_DW"."P02_ADSL_E
              2      22746 01-FEB-15 PM      01-FEB-15 PM      KPI_DW                                      3335085460 INSERT                                                                                                        0             27           22,098.67       1       74,967,553.00                1 No               0 INSERT /*+ BYPASS_RECURSIVE_CHECK APPEND  */ INTO "KPI_DW"."P02_ADSL_E
              2      22746 01-FEB-15 PM      01-FEB-15 PM      KPI_DW                                      3335085460 INSERT                                                                                                        0             27           22,098.67       1       74,967,553.00                1 No               0 INSERT /*+ BYPASS_RECURSIVE_CHECK APPEND  */ INTO "KPI_DW"."P02_ADSL_E
              2      22746 01-FEB-15 PM      01-FEB-15 PM      KPI_DW                                      3335085460 INSERT                                                                                                        0             27           22,098.67       1       74,967,553.00                1 No               0 INSERT /*+ BYPASS_RECURSIVE_CHECK APPEND  */ INTO "KPI_DW"."P02_ADSL_E
              2      22746 01-FEB-15 PM      01-FEB-15 PM      KPI_DW                                      3335085460 INSERT                                                                                                        0             27           22,098.67       1       74,967,553.00                1 No               0 INSERT /*+ BYPASS_RECURSIVE_CHECK APPEND  */ INTO "KPI_DW"."P02_ADSL_E
              2      22745 01-FEB-15 PM      01-FEB-15 PM      KPI_DW                                      3335085460 INSERT                                                                                                        0             27           18,457.38       1       43,945,086.00                1 No               0 INSERT /*+ BYPASS_RECURSIVE_CHECK APPEND  */ INTO "KPI_DW"."P02_ADSL_E
              2      22745 01-FEB-15 PM      01-FEB-15 PM      KPI_DW                                      3335085460 INSERT                                                                                                        0             27           18,457.38       1       43,945,086.00                1 No               0 INSERT /*+ BYPASS_RECURSIVE_CHECK APPEND  */ INTO "KPI_DW"."P02_ADSL_E
              2      22745 01-FEB-15 PM      01-FEB-15 PM      KPI_DW                                      3335085460 INSERT                                                                                                        0             27           18,457.38       1       43,945,086.00                1 No               0 INSERT /*+ BYPASS_RECURSIVE_CHECK APPEND  */ INTO "KPI_DW"."P02_ADSL_E
              2      22745 01-FEB-15 PM      01-FEB-15 PM      KPI_DW                                      3335085460 INSERT                                                                                                        0             27           18,457.38       1       43,945,086.00                1 No               0 INSERT /*+ BYPASS_RECURSIVE_CHECK APPEND  */ INTO "KPI_DW"."P02_ADSL_E
              2      22744 01-FEB-15 PM      01-FEB-15 PM      KPI_DW                                      3335085460 INSERT                                                                                                        0             27           14,849.22       1       14,563,203.00                1 No               0 INSERT /*+ BYPASS_RECURSIVE_CHECK APPEND  */ INTO "KPI_DW"."P02_ADSL_E
              2      22744 01-FEB-15 PM      01-FEB-15 PM      KPI_DW                                      3335085460 INSERT                                                                                                        0             27           14,849.22       1       14,563,203.00                1 No               0 INSERT /*+ BYPASS_RECURSIVE_CHECK APPEND  */ INTO "KPI_DW"."P02_ADSL_E
              2      22744 01-FEB-15 PM      01-FEB-15 PM      KPI_DW                                      3335085460 INSERT                                                                                                        0             27           14,849.22       1       14,563,203.00                1 No               0 INSERT /*+ BYPASS_RECURSIVE_CHECK APPEND  */ INTO "KPI_DW"."P02_ADSL_E
              2      22744 01-FEB-15 PM      01-FEB-15 PM      KPI_DW                                      3335085460 INSERT                                                                                                        0             27           14,849.22       1       14,563,203.00                1 No               0 INSERT /*+ BYPASS_RECURSIVE_CHECK APPEND  */ INTO "KPI_DW"."P02_ADSL_E
              2      22396 18-JAN-15 AM      18-JAN-15 AM      KPI_DW                                      3997204181 INSERT                                                                                                        1           1282               57.97       1        1,239,789.00                1 No               0 INSERT /*+ BYPASS_RECURSIVE_CHECK APPEND  */ INTO "KPI_DW"."P02_ADSL_E
              2      22396 18-JAN-15 AM      18-JAN-15 AM      KPI_DW                                      3997204181 INSERT                                                                                                        1           1282               57.97       1        1,239,789.00                1 No               0 INSERT /*+ BYPASS_RECURSIVE_CHECK APPEND  */ INTO "KPI_DW"."P02_ADSL_E
              2      22396 18-JAN-15 AM      18-JAN-15 AM      KPI_DW                                      3997204181 INSERT                                                                                                        1           1282               57.97       1        1,239,789.00                1 No               0 INSERT /*+ BYPASS_RECURSIVE_CHECK APPEND  */ INTO "KPI_DW"."P02_ADSL_E
              2      22396 18-JAN-15 AM      18-JAN-15 AM      KPI_DW                                      3997204181 INSERT                                                                                                        1           1282               57.97       1        1,239,789.00                1 No               0 INSERT /*+ BYPASS_RECURSIVE_CHECK APPEND  */ INTO "KPI_DW"."P02_ADSL_E
              4      22002 01-JAN-15 PM      01-JAN-15 PM      KPI_DW                                      3441090710 INSERT                                                                                                        1           6074            1,374.79       1          539,451.00                1 No               0 INSERT /*+ BYPASS_RECURSIVE_CHECK APPEND  */ INTO "KPI_DW"."P02_ADSL_E
              4      22002 01-JAN-15 PM      01-JAN-15 PM      KPI_DW                                      3441090710 INSERT                                                                                                        1           6074            1,374.79       1          539,451.00                1 No               0 INSERT /*+ BYPASS_RECURSIVE_CHECK APPEND  */ INTO "KPI_DW"."P02_ADSL_E
              4      22002 01-JAN-15 PM      01-JAN-15 PM      KPI_DW                                      3441090710 INSERT                                                                                                        1           6074            1,374.79       1          539,451.00                1 No               0 INSERT /*+ BYPASS_RECURSIVE_CHECK APPEND  */ INTO "KPI_DW"."P02_ADSL_E
              4      22002 01-JAN-15 PM      01-JAN-15 PM      KPI_DW                                      3441090710 INSERT                                                                                                        1           6074            1,374.79       1          539,451.00                1 No               0 INSERT /*+ BYPASS_RECURSIVE_CHECK APPEND  */ INTO "KPI_DW"."P02_ADSL_E
              4      22000 01-JAN-15 PM      01-JAN-15 PM      KPI_DW                                      3441090710 INSERT                                                                                                        1           6074            1,166.20       1          540,304.00                1 No               0 INSERT /*+ BYPASS_RECURSIVE_CHECK APPEND  */ INTO "KPI_DW"."P02_ADSL_E
              4      22000 01-JAN-15 PM      01-JAN-15 PM      KPI_DW                                      3441090710 INSERT                                                                                                        1           6074            1,166.20       1          540,304.00                1 No               0 INSERT /*+ BYPASS_RECURSIVE_CHECK APPEND  */ INTO "KPI_DW"."P02_ADSL_E
              4      22000 01-JAN-15 PM      01-JAN-15 PM      KPI_DW                                      3441090710 INSERT                                                                                                        1           6074            1,166.20       1          540,304.00                1 No               0 INSERT /*+ BYPASS_RECURSIVE_CHECK APPEND  */ INTO "KPI_DW"."P02_ADSL_E
              4      22000 01-JAN-15 PM      01-JAN-15 PM      KPI_DW                                      3441090710 INSERT                                                                                                        1           6074            1,166.20       1          540,304.00                1 No               0 INSERT /*+ BYPASS_RECURSIVE_CHECK APPEND  */ INTO "KPI_DW"."P02_ADSL_E

80 rows selected.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.24

Listing 2: Searching the execution history for an sql id in AWR. 


Performance problems in queries due to a change of plan is something quite common in data warehouses. In this post we have shown how easy it is to detect a change in the execution plan of a query. Once you get the sql id and the problematic execution plan, it is only a matter of querying AWR in order to browse the execution history of the query in question and verify the change of plan.

In a future post (check out post "Using SQL Plan Baselines to Revert to an Older Plan"),
 we will show how you can revert to the good plan in an very fast manner with the use of SQL Plan Baselines Note that in this previous post we have already shown how to use SQL Profiles in order to force a specific execution plan.

The Scripts


You can always find the latest version of this script on my GitHub repository here.

nkarag@DWHPRD> host cat fs.sql
--              This script can be used to locate statements in the shared pool and
--              determine (among other) whether they have been executed via Smart Scans.
--              It is based on the observation that the IO_CELL_OFFLOAD_ELIGIBLE_BYTES
--              column in V$SQL is only greater than 0 when a statement is executed
--              using a Smart Scan. The IO_SAVED_% column attempts to show the ratio of
--              of data received from the storage cells to the actual amount of data
--              that would have had to be retrieved on non-Exadata storage. Note that
--              as of, there are issues calculating this value with some queries.
--              Note that the AVG_ETIME will not be acurate for parallel queries. The
--              ELAPSED_TIME column contains the sum of all parallel slaves. So the
--              script divides the value by the number of PX slaves used which gives an
--              approximation.
--              Note also that if parallel slaves are spread across multiple nodes on
--              a RAC database the PX_SERVERS_EXECUTIONS column will not be set.
--      (C) Nikos Karagiannidis - http://oradwstories.blogspot.com

col sql_text for a70 wrap
set verify off
set pagesize 999
set lines 999
col username format a13
col prog format a22
col sid format 999
col child_number format 99999 heading CHILD
col ocategory format a10
col avg_etime_secs format 9,999,999.99
col avg_pio format 9,999,999.99
col avg_lio format 999,999,999
col etime format 9,999,999.99
col is_shareable format a12
col is_bind_sensitive format a17
col is_bind_aware format a14
col offload for a7

alter session set NLS_DATE_FORMAT = 'dd-mm-yyyy HH24:mi:ss'

select  PARSING_SCHEMA_NAME, inst_id, sql_id, child_number, plan_hash_value plan_hash, executions execs,
(elapsed_time/1000000)/decode(nvl(executions,0),0,1,executions) avg_etime_secs,
buffer_gets/decode(nvl(executions,0),0,1,executions) avg_lio,
 is_shareable, is_bind_sensitive, is_bind_aware,
decode(IO_CELL_OFFLOAD_ELIGIBLE_BYTES,0,'No','Yes') Offload,
from gv$sql s
where upper(sql_text) like upper(nvl('&sql_text',sql_text))
and sql_text not like '%from gv$sql where upper(sql_text) like nvl(%'
and sql_id like nvl(trim('&sql_id'),sql_id)
order by 1, 2, 3
Listing 3: A script for retrieving the sql id (among other stuff) from the cursor cache.


You can always find the latest version of this script on my GitHub repository here.

nkarag@DWHPRD> host cat fs_awr.sql
--                              Find executions history of an SQL_ID in the AWR repository
---             The offloading info is based on the observation that the IO_CELL_OFFLOAD_ELIGIBLE_BYTES
--              column in V$SQL is only greater than 0 when a statement is executed
--              using a Smart Scan. The IO_SAVED_% column attempts to show the ratio of
--              of data received from the storage cells to the actual amount of data
--              that would have had to be retrieved on non-Exadata storage. Note that
--              as of, there are issues calculating this value with some queries.
--              Note that the AVG_ETIME will not be acurate for parallel queries. The
--              ELAPSED_TIME column contains the sum of all parallel slaves. So the
--              script divides the value by the number of PX slaves used which gives an
--              approximation.
--              Note also that if parallel slaves are spread across multiple nodes on
--              a RAC database the PX_SERVERS_EXECUTIONS column will not be set.
--              author: (C) Nikos Karagiannidis - http://oradwstories.blogspot.com

set pagesize 999
set lines 999
col sql_text format a70 trunc
col child format 99999
col sql_id for a15
col plan_hash_value for 9999999999999
col executions_total format 9999999999999999
col avg_etime format 999,999,999,999.99
col avg_lio format 999,999,999,999.99
col NOCHILD_CURSORS for 999999999999999
col "OFFLOADED_%" format a11
col avg_px format 999999
col offload for a7
col BEGIN_INTERVAL_TIME format a30
col END_INTERVAL_TIME format a30
-- using dba_hist_sqlstat

        sql_id, PLAN_HASH_VALUE,
                aa.name command_type_desc,
                        decode(PX_SERVERS_EXECS_TOTAL,0,1,PX_SERVERS_EXECS_TOTAL)/decode(nvl(EXECUTIONS_TOTAL,0),0,1,EXECUTIONS_TOTAL) avg_etime,
        VERSION_COUNT nochild_cursors,
        decode(IO_OFFLOAD_ELIG_BYTES_TOTAL,0,'No','Yes') Offload,
from DBA_HIST_SQLSTAT a  left outer join
     DBA_HIST_SNAPSHOT b using (SNAP_ID) left outer join
     DBA_HIST_SQLTEXT c using (SQL_ID) left outer join
     audit_actions aa on (COMMAND_TYPE = aa.ACTION)
    upper(dbms_lob.substr(sql_text, 4000, 1)) like upper(nvl('&sql_text',upper(dbms_lob.substr(sql_text, 4000, 1))))  --use dbms_lob.substr in order not to get an "ORA-22835: Buffer too small for CLOB to CHAR or BLOB to RAW conversion"
    and sql_id = nvl(trim('&sql_id'),sql_id)
        and b.begin_interval_time > sysdate - &days_back
order by 2 desc,3 desc;

undef days_back

Listing 4: A script for browsing the execution history of a specific sql_id in AWR.

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